We provide solutions that cover all categories of FBA Reimbursements

FBA Reimbursements

Did you know that as an FBA seller, approximately 2-5% of your annual revenue will be lost due to errors made by the Fulfill by Amazon service? One of the most common problems among sellers today is the failure to properly audit their inventory with the intent to identify losses for reimbursement by Amazon. Most businesses simply do not have the time, or the training required to handle these costly mistakes.

We help to provide your business with a dedicated team to deliver an exceptional Amazon Reimbursement experience with our signature 360° Amazon Inventory Audit and Claims process.

FBA Reimbursements

Interested in a free 18-month Amazon Inventory Auditing Report?

Let’s do a quick eligibility check.

FBA Reimbursements

No payment information needed, no sign up, no obligation.

FBA Reimbursements

Simply fill the following form and our customer support will reach out to you for the next step in 1-2 business days.

What we recover for you

FBA Reimbursements
FBA Reimbursements


Products were lost inside Fulfillment center.

FBA Reimbursements

Product Misplaced

Products that were misplaced inside Fulfillment center.

FBA Reimbursements


Items damaged by carrier or Amazon.

FBA Reimbursements

Unreturned Items

Refunded orders that were not returned in FBA after 60 days.

FBA Reimbursements

Removal Wrong Items Received

Received an item that does not match with your removed items.

FBA Reimbursements

Unreceived Removals

Items missing during removal process.

FBA Reimbursements

Wrongfully Disposed of

These are the items that were mistakenly disposed of by the fullfillment center.

FBA Reimbursements

Overcharged FBA Fees

Items that were charged FBA Fees due to cubiscan issues.

FBA Reimbursements

Customers Returns , Wrong FNSKU

Customer returned an item with the wrong FNSKU.

FBA Reimbursements

Canceled or Deleted Shipment claims

Shipments canceled or deleted using Amazon partnered Carrier with advance charges made.

FBA Reimbursements

FBA Inbound Loss Claims

Items that were lost during shipment from seller warehouse or supplier going inside Amazon Fulfillment Center.

FBA Reimbursements

FBA Inbound tagged as Investigation Completed

SESU states that the discrepancy was fully investigated and you are not eligible for reimbursements.

FBA Reimbursements

Removal of Sellable items

Items removed for overstock issues, product sampling, seller use, etc, but item received is not in usable condition.

FBA Reimbursements

Changed Disposition

Items that were previously classified as non-reimbursable but after investigation mistakes were found in the previous classification.


We recover more money
than our competitors

Did you know that Amazon allows up to 18-months to make a claim for your inventory losses? You could be getting back one and a half years’ worth of lost revenue!

As an experienced Amazon Seller ourselves, we understand the specific challenges your FBA business faces with inventory loss, and how to get reimbursed for it!

We handle the headaches, so you don’t have to!

FBA Reimbursements
FBA Reimbursements

What we offer

Our signature 360° Inventory Auditing and Claims process begins with a free 18-month audit of your Amazon Seller Central account. Our dedicated team will meticulously audit your inventory, line by line, to uncover all of your eligible reimbursements. Each case will be thoroughly researched before a claim is submitted. Once all relevant information is gathered, we file the claim on your behalf. But our service does not stop there! We will follow your cases through, from beginning to end, so that you don’t have to! You can rest assured that every reimbursement is in the hands of a trained professional, working hard to get you the reimbursements that you are owed.

FBA Reimbursements

100% Amazon Compliant

FBA Reimbursements

Account Health Solutions

FBA Reimbursements

Dedicated Account Specialist

FBA Reimbursements

Live Customer Support

FBA Reimbursements

No hidden fees

FBA Reimbursements

Our Outrageous Guarantee

FBA Reimbursements
No prepayments. Pay only for cases we win for you!
FBA Reimbursements
Signature 360° Amazon Inventory Audit and Claims process

Our Outrageous Guarantee

We guarantee to deliver a World-Class Experience to you!

FBA Reimbursements

100% Refund Guarantee

We guarantee that we only charge you for the reimbursements of Amazon cases which were submitted by FBAClaims360. If you find that Amazon has revoked any reimbursements billed to you by FBAClaims360, we will refund…
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FBA Reimbursements

100% Amazon Compliant & Secure

100% of our claims are based on your actual inventory loss & damage through the fulfillment by Amazon process. We are a 100% Amazon compliant and secured service.
FBA Reimbursements

Signature 360° Inventory Auditing & Claims Process

We guarantee that we will provide 360° auditing of your Amazon inventory and cover all the losses in the entire FBA process, from FBA inbound, Amazon internal adjustments, Customer…
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FBA Reimbursements


Why We Do What We Do

If you have ever attempted to file a claim with Amazon, you know how much of a hassle it can be. Canned responses from Amazon Seller support, closed cases with no resolution, automated refunds not covering all damages, and many other frustrating and costly issues. Improper claims could cause Amazon Reimbursement Policy violations, resulting in warnings, account flagging or even suspension of your Amazon account.
But there is good news! FBAClaims360 is here to help! We bridge the gap between FBA sellers and Amazon Seller Support to produce results for you! Our amazing team is composed of hand-selected individuals who possess remarkable experience handling reimbursements. They undergo rigorous training to navigate the complex system that is Amazon Seller Support.

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