About Us

FBAClaims360 is dedicated to helping FBA businesses recover their maximum reimbursements

As former Amazon sellers ourselves, we understand the struggles that businesses face when it comes to Inventory Auditing and navigating the complex Amazon Claims process. We made it our mission to fully understand where our losses were coming from, and how to properly recover them. We were so successful that we recovered over 5% of our annual revenue within the first year, and continued to identify, research and file successful claims every year going forward.
That was how FBAClaims360 was born. We recognized the gap between FBA sellers and Amazon claims and knew we could help other businesses achieve the same results. With over seven years of experience, a highly trained staff, and a positive working relationship with Amazon, we were able to develop our Signature 360° Auditing and Claims process. With this service we have helped many businesses regain control of their inventory and receive the maximum Amazon reimbursements.
Request your free 18-month Inventory Audit today and see how much revenue we can recover for you!


We ensure that our customers always receive expert help

Our dedicated team will meticulously audit your inventory, line by line, to uncover all of your eligible reimbursements. Each case will be thoroughly researched before a claim is submitted. Once all relevant information is gathered, we file the claim on your behalf. But our service does not stop there! We will follow your cases through, from beginning to end, so that you don’t have to! You can rest assured that every reimbursement is in the hands of a trained professional, working hard to get you the reimbursements that you are owed. After all, we don’t get paid unless you do!

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